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About Beenow

Beenow is a French-Swiss associative platform acting as a hub for professionals providing services aligned with Beenow's mission and values.

The members offer their services under the name of Beenow. Occasionnally the association itself can create an offer gathering several of its members.

"The beekeeper was communist out of love for the bees, whose organisation he admired. The queen was an issue."

Gilbert Cesbron

Our values

The values that guide all of our work are peace, joy and integrity.

Mission and principles

Our mission of social transformation is based on a few definite principles.

Our lines of action

Our lines of action are based on specific know-how supporting social transformation through the professional world, by bringing into each structure a culture of well-being at work, a vision of its reason to be and a leadership upholding the company's…

Integral vision

Integral vision considers human beings in all their dimensions: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Photo by Boris Smokrovic on Unsplash